Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 This hack, and this post, may contain typos, but this is not among them: I set out to do five things with this hack.

1 I wanted the hack to revolve around a sort of numerical trick a la 4DJ. I all but tell you what that is; I hope it's intelligible.

2 I wanted to also introduce a lot of asymmetry in what the players know about the rules versus what the DM knows. For example, the “STATS” section has no typos.

3 I wanted to build in elements that would encourage players to do things that I as a DM found interesting, like starting rivalries, getting married, hosting parties, and rap battles.

4 I wanted to make a game that was “about” something, that orbited around key themes. Some of those themes include the life cycle of empires and the importance of stories and poetry in a young world.

I have the setting’s Four Truths, some equipment packages for starting characters, and a dungeon in the works, but I wanted to Get Something Done so I could remind myself that I could. Let me know what you think of the hack, thanks for reading and happy gaming.

These words are my hack bibliography

Unloading my "cool images" folder

 Have at. They're better here than in my notes app. Some of these almost certainly stolen from other people's blogs, too far back fo...