Monday, December 30, 2024

Pb (reloaded)

Click the image below for the newest Pb.

(Forgive the dot grid- this art is from my journal, doodles drawn during a game.)


  • A tweaked core system, based on successful innovations from THE SCULPTED WORLD and before. For the first time, Pb has classes, and I think it's much the stronger for it.
  • d% list of backgrounds and starting equipment, for those freaks who love a giant table of weird stuff.
  • Elements and their alchemical properties- what does rubidium rose-tinted glass do? what does a neonized compass point at? what's special about phosphoric flame?
  • 0 lore dumps, at least so far. (If this is your first exposure to Pb, this may prove a bit confusing. If you're interested, there's plenty more about the setting, in some form or another, on the blog.)
  • I'm running a Pb one-shot on Thursday. I'm going to write up that short dungeon. Will help put this all into practice.
  • I'm going to write up a short GM section with more concrete lore, my random encounter rules, d% table of magical loot, short bestiary, Appendix N, that sort of thing.
  • If I can find a way to make it interesting, I'll see if I can write up some of the myths of the saints. How St. Copper lost an eye imprisoning a bear amongst the stars, how St. Mercury tried to steal St. Hydrogen's love from St. Oxygen, the Craftsperson Wars waged by St. Boron, St. Nickel, and St. Antimony against each other to make St. Carbon the perfect gift, those sorts of things.
  • More art? Maybe? Returning to the Pb house style has been fun and meditative, and for as long as it keeps being fun, I'll keep making it.
Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

Pb (reloaded)

Click the image below for the newest Pb. (Forgive the dot grid- this art is from my journal, doodles drawn during a game.) WHAT'S IN THI...