Friday, October 1, 2021

GLoGtober: Culture Items

 Nationality is a powerful enough concept to warrant a Conduit. So what do the Conduits representing the five biggest sociopolitical/socioethnic groups across the motes look like? Generated using these tables. If you don’t know Pb, that might have been a series of non-sequiturs to you.

BURSINGR: Explorer’s Boots. For the peoples of the snow-capped peak and glacier-clad fjord, Saint Antimony wove a simple but valuable charm into a humble pair of snowshoes given to her by a wandering vagabond. The shoes can traverse over anything without impediment, from brambles to water to walls to clouds, and the wearer can choose whether they leave tracks which can always be followed perfectly or remain untraceable. They are said to be buried under a cairn near the peak of Zenith Mons, guarded by a deathless warrior of times before.

GOLGOTHAN: Sincarver’s Scalpel. For the people of the pigmented edifice and the teeming rainforest, Saint Antimony poured her blood into the metal of a blade, singing and whispering in the starlight. The blade is a terrifying weapon, for it can cut the faith right out of the most pious believer’s heart. Even one who was kissed by the Saints may turn away from them and forsake them as cruel, dystant tyrants; even one who has worshipped at the Edifice for months of fasting at a time may call it paint on a rock and nothing more. The last anyone had seen of the knife was in the hands of the notorious apostate Xyngard Bonecruncher in the 42 B.A., though he went missing but months later.

CHURLIAN: The Stargrass Blanket. For the peoples of the long grasses and burning rusts, Saint Antimony wove them a tapestry of starstuff and yeabuflesh. And the tapestry was acres wide, and shielded those under it from the heat, and the cold, and the noses of predators and the eyes of prey. But Antimony was a wise woman, and wove a safeguard into the threads- the more you would use the blanket, the more bestial you would become, until you had entirely reverted to an animal state. The blanket was used long ago to protect the village of Terunaka from the wrath of the Moonshine Crow, but in the process, the city was buried and the blanket was lost. Depending on who you ask, some say that all animals are descendants of the transmogrified Terunaki, and the beasts of the Field remember where their ancestral home lies. Is that why agents of the Empire have been systematically rounding up the wildlife of the Fields?

SACCHARINIAN: The Craving Glass. For the peoples of the sugar-crystal spires and the cloying wastes, Saint Antimony polished for them a great mirror, locked within a mountain’s edifice. Any who look upon the mirror may utter their greatest desire. If their words ring true, the mirror would reveal how to attain that which they seek at any cost. If they bear falsehood, the mirror would show them how to bring themselves to ruination. But again, Antimony was wise in her craftsmanship- all who bear the mirror’s mark are said to be bound to servitude, and must help all those that genuinely seek aid. If you see a Saccharinian warlord wandering the lands feeding the poor, fear them, for they may be on a path to unlimited power, or perhaps a path to an early, disgraced grave.

IODINIAN: Quill. The Warrior-Poet, first of the Red Hierophants, used to wield a scrimshawed harpoon carved from the bones of a god that could expand or retract as the weilder’s beck. The Warrior-Poet, while high on opiates, prophesied that the spear will one day be used to slay one of the beings that lurk in the Æther. Little else is known of Quill, but it is generally regarded that it’s in Clerical hands now.

Let’s make this the best GLoGtober yet. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

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