Wednesday, March 5, 2025


For FifthDragon’s PELAGIA HADA PLURA setting, with CatDragon’s (BirdDragon’s?) help.

I will dance before the lightning, to music sacred and profane…


START WITH An icon of your patron SAINT, a cold iron dagger, and a HOLY RELIC.





SACRED ECHOES. Practicing the Virtue of your patron SAINT, and imitating their ways, grants you holy power.

LAZAR, BLUE-FINGERED: You practice the Virtue of PATIENCE.

As long as your hands are bound, you can create lightning.

HERACLES, RED-HANDED: You practice the Virtue of TEMPERANCE.

As long as you can have wet blood on your face, you have super strength.

KING, CROWNED APE: You practice the Virtue of HUMILITY.

As long as you don’t touch metal, you can speak to beasts.

MARY, BLIND LADY: You practice the Virtue of CHARITY. 

As long as you wear blue, you can call angels.

IZANAMI, SWORD-WIFE: You practice the Virtue of DILIGENCE. 

As long as you hold a scream, you have iron skin.

SALTPETER, HALF-FACE: You practice the Virtue of CHASTITY. 

As long as you hold something burning, you can read thoughts.

OLD HOOK, GOD’S OWN HAND: You practice the Virtue of KINDNESS. 

As long as you can see the stars, you can fly.

FAITHFUL. [+LEVEL] reaction bonus to the faithful and beasts. [-LEVEL] reaction malus to the faithless and demons.

FLAGELLANT. You can give your HP, as blood, to others. Body parts you remove skitter off to do the work of GOD.

SACRED ALIGNMENT. Make a flesh sacrifice to your SAINT to more fully embody their image. 

LAZAR, BLUE-FINGERED: The first SAINT. Cut off a finger to become undead.

HERACLES, RED-HANDED: Once a mad prince. Cut off a hand to consume anything safely.

KING, CROWNED APE: The only beast SAINT. Cut out your tongue to turn into beasts.

MARY, BLIND LADY:  Built the first cathedral. Poke out an eye for a curative touch.

IZANAMI, SWORD-WIFE:  GOD spoke, she killed. Cut off your breast to cut with your eyes.

SALTPETER, HALF-FACE: Shot his wife’s lover. Cut off an ear to become immune to pain.

OLD HOOK, GOD’S OWN HAND: Bore the mark of CAIN. Cut out a rib to see two minutes into the future.

SAINTLY BODY. You are a scarred mass of sacred sinew, terrible to behold. Become amphibious.

…I am not a stranger to the rain.

HOLY RELICS. Start with one. Roll a d20.

1 PELAGIA HADA PLURA. Contains useful ecclesiastical lore and rituals, like angel anatomy, marriage rites, and fish-cleaning.

2 WATERLOGGED CORPSE. A tattoo-encrusted sinner. Weighs six times as much when wet.

3 DIVING SUIT.  Blessed ceramic plates, a glass helm, and a gold reliquary holding 8 hours of whale jawbone’s holy air.

4 CATHEDRAL PLANS. Charcoal drawings of the stained glass floors of the great cathedrals, even the long-sunk Ark Madrina.

5 ADAMIC SKULL. Still breathes. Once a day, will answer a question, using its Antediluvian memory.

6 LAZAR’S HEART. Reliquary of ceramic, silk, and blackened flesh. Reanimates a corpse it’s put into for 4 days.

7 LAZAR’S NOTEBOOK. Fiberglass tablets into which are etched overlapping cures to various maladies.

8 HERACLES’S BILE. 8 wax-sealed pots of the original 12. Smash one against yourself to become anointed, entering a state of perfect Serenity.
9 HERACLES’S SIGNET. A tin ring of a lion’s skull. Pouring drinks through your fingers purifies them, whoever drinks them is calmed.

10 KING’S TOOTH. Speak as you cut with this canine-dagger and the wound will bear the shape of your words in Adamic, the primal tongue.

11 KING’S SCEPTER. Anyone who sees you bear this Adamic femur is afraid of you.

12 MARY’S LEFT HAND. Hasn’t rotted; has aged. Shards of sharp, jagged bone grow from whatever it touches.

13 MARY’S VEIL. Her tears are still wet. Anyone will accept it as barter at any cost.

14 IZANAMI’S TEARS. An ivory-capped tube filled with what looks exactly like blood. Corrodes anything.

15 IZANAMI’S WHETSTONE. Cold obsidian, heavy in the hand. Indestructible.

16 SALTPETER’S JAWBONE. Marred by ash, carved by lead. Each of its 17 teeth explode as a stick of TNT.

17 SALTPETER’S FLASK. Everyone has their vices. Drinking the last swig of whiskey lets you breathe fire for a day.

18 OLD HOOK’S KNUCKLEBONE. Four joints. Whoever holds it can’t die, though they can still be knocked unconscious and maimed.

19 OLD HOOK’S HAT. Probably best not to think about the skin-like texture for too long. When its wearer tries to speak, they find they can only whisper hoarse curses.


    1 IZANAMI’S SWORD. ???

    2 OLD HOOK’S SWORD. ???

    3 SALTPETER’S GUN. ???

    4 KING’S CROWN. ???

    5 LAZAR’S HEAD. ???

    6 MARY, RETURNED. ???

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.


For FifthDragon’s PELAGIA HADA PLURA setting, with CatDragon’s (BirdDragon’s?) help. I will dance before the lightning, to music sacred and ...