AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. If you fail, that AILMENT takes another SLOT.
TERMINAL. When an AILMENT takes 5 SLOTS, it becomes TERMINAL. TERMINAL conditions persist even if the AILMENT is cured by rest.
1 EXHAUSTION. Contract from difficult travel. For every SLOT, -1 to all STATS. At 5 SLOTS, fall into a day-long coma; die if untreated.
2 INFECTION. Contract from filthy conditions. For every SLOT, -1 max HP. At 5 SLOTS, a random limb stops working.
3 LOCKJAW. Contract from rust drawing blood. For every SLOT, -1 MIGHT and FINESSE. At 5 SLOTS, seize up until treated.
4 RED COUGH. Contract from scarlet-smelling air. For every SLOT, -1 random sense. At 5 SLOTS, cough up blood when you try to speak.
5 THE POX. Contract from ghoul bites. For every SLOT, a random part of your body withers and rots. At 5 SLOTS, become a ghoul.
6 MAGE-BLIGHT. Contract from sites of magical disaster. For every SLOT, -1 CHARGE. At 5 SLOTS, you can’t use magic of any kind.
7 SINNER’S BRAND. Contract from the CHURCH’S iron. For every SLOT, -1 to FORTUNE. At 5 SLOTS, the mark is permanent, as is the CHURCH’s ire.
8 ÆTHER FEVER. Contract from Æther exposure. For every SLOT, gain a visible mutation. At 5 SLOTS, seek to hurl yourself into the Æther.
RECOVERY. Take a BREATHER as an UNDERTAKING to heal d6 HP. Sleep a night to heal all HP. Rest in town for a day to cure 1 AILMENT.
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