Friday, August 28, 2020

A couple gonzo Classes

I’ve had these ideas rattling around for a few days, decided to make them. I wonder what an Unsnake looks like?


Unsnake SKILLS: Not being a snake

A You are not a snake. In fact, you are the opposite of a snake. Your spit is antivenom and you can sense emotion, but you cannot hide.

B Your blood is hot. When somebody draws blood, they take a WOUND from the heat.

C You cannot slide and slither, only leap and gibber. Your jump height is 20 feet.

D You cannot see heat, or swallow things whole. However, you can eat and subsequently regurgitate anything, and you can hear cold.

LOOT: Armband of the Opposite of a Snake


Bee Beard SKILLS: Apiculture, hair

A You have a beard made of bees. You have as much honey as you could ever need.

B You can talk to the bees. They like you in the same way a sulky teenager likes their parents- they’ll do what you say, but with great reluctance, and they’ll let you know it.

C Roll CHA to have the bees attack. They deal WOUNDS equal to your Level.

D You own a modest bee farm somewhere that gives you reliable income and a steady stream of apprentices. At any point, you may fashion someone else a new Bee Beard. You lose all your Bee Beard abilities (save the farm) and they get a Level in Bee Beard.

LOOT: Honey Comb (get it? get it?)


Laser Duid SKILLS: Druidcraft, lasery

A You can shapeshift into one creature form of your choice, gaining another one every level. You also own a laser blaster, which deals WOUNDS equal to your level and cannot be resisted.

B You cannot be disarmed of your laser. In addition, if your laser is destroyed, you can make a new one in a day.

C Your laser ignores armor.

D You have truly fused nature and technology. You can choose to shoot trees out of your laser. If you shoot it into earth, the tree immediately takes root.

LOOT: Overgrown Blaster

I’m doing this instead of writing out that adventure I promised you a couple posts ago. *sigh* Well, I’ll get there eventually.

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely amused!

    ... and *amazed* that these are probably playable classes.



For FifthDragon’s PELAGIA HADA PLURA setting, with CatDragon’s (BirdDragon’s?) help. I will dance before the lightning, to music sacred and ...