Friday, August 7, 2020

New mechanics for MARROW


    Gosh diggity darn it I need more things that cause STRESS and ways to get more SKILLS over time that isn’t tied to Levels (like SKILL Loot or some shit, what are those, Tools, yeah, I need Tools) but that’s okay because here are more new playthings to break


    Stick-poke a tattoo into your body, inherent an eldritch birthmark, carve runes into your flesh. A Glyph is any bodily mark that contains magical power. Glyphs occupy DEX slots, and each Glyph has a power that can be activated if you roll your Level or under on a d6. However, if you ever roll a 6, the Glyph begins to spasm, taking an opposite effect. You can invoke any given Glyph once per day. Here are some sample Glyphs.

HAWK TATTOO. Gain ADVANTAGE on a WIS roll. // Go blind for a day.

RUNE OF THE HARVEST. Find a piece of LOOT when searching. // Lose all your silver.

FAERIE MARK. Summon a disgruntled pixie. // Be vanished off into the Feywild.


(doesn’t have to be glyphs. could be augmentations or even mutations)

(should I have separate mutation rules?)


If you use a SKILL to learn a common language spoken on Aeros, like Elvish or Goblin-Chatter, speaking to a native speaker in their language makes them neutral towards you, or if they were already neutral towards you, friendly. There are yet other languages you can use INT slots to learn, ones that are rarer and more exotic, like Plant, High Planar, and Gibberish. Talk to your DM if you have some particular idea for an exotic language you want to be able to speak.


    When you make a significant and hard-to-follow promise, you can designate it an Oath. Every Oath occupies CHA slots. When you complete the terms of an Oath, you can use the Oath like a piece of LOOT, trading it in for a Level in a relevant Class. For example, if you swear an Oath to the Burgomeister to rid the town of the Slime Termites forever, you would be able to trade that Oath in for a Level in Exterminator.

There. Now I need to fix STRESS and differentiate STRESS and FATIGUE

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