Monday, November 9, 2020

Dark Fantasy Rumors

     This is a post for Chamochin, on the OSR Discord. An entirely d12-based set of rumor generators for your dark fantasy game (hopefully this is Mörk Borg compatible, if not, replace entries as needed until it is). Many of these are very vague or interpretive, that’s space for you to fill in and customize for your world and story. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

(Protip: roll 3d12 to speed the process to one batch of rolls, or, when I figure out how to do it, press the button that may or may not appear on this page to have it randomly generate one!)


1 [Person] is in league with/worships [Monster]

2 [Person] is fucking [Person] out of wedlock

3 [Monster] caused [Phenomena]

4 [Person] accidentally caused [Phenomena]

5 [Phenomena] is happening at [Location]

6 There’s a [Monster] lurking in [Location]

7 [Person] was secretly born in [Location]

8 [Artifact], hidden in [Location], can stave off the apocalypse

9 [Person] secretly owns [Artifact], hidden well away

10 The only way to kill [Monster] is with [Artifact]

11 [Artifact] can cause [Phenomena]

12 [Monster] is looking for [Artifact]


1 The superstitious farmer

2 The elitist High Magister

3 The grinning executioner

4 The scarred skeleton-hunter

5 The hopeful bischop

6 The mute housewife

7 The eccentric noble

8 The embittered veteran

9 The village idiot

10 The starstruck lover

11 The sleep-deprived scholar

12 The glyph-marked witch


1 The Draugr King

2 She-Who-Sleeps-In-The-Eyeless-Realm

3 The Banshee of the Red River

4 The Battlefield Golem

5 The Corpse-Collecting Automaton

6 The Godkiller

7 The Hangman’s Hound

8 The Hag born from rusted nails

9 The Skeleton Horde

10 Gurman Targ, the Bloodsoaked Tyrant

11 Tzillman the Vampyr

12 The Shoggoth Quen


1 The Red Lightning Holocaust

2 The Reckoning of Black Dust

3 The Migration of the Vampires

4 Highsun

5 Psychopomp’s Eclipse

6 The Flood

7 The Rising of the Mud

8 The Plague of Stirges

9 Magiksbane

10 Hell’s Parade

11 The Gelid Cyclone

12 The Greencrackle Plague


1 Castle Errtün

2 The Ruined Chapel

3 The Blasphemous Grove

4 Fort Hellsmouth

5 The Crack in the Earth

6 The Blasted Steppes

7 Coldspire Mountain

8 Untervvald Forest

9 The Bone Plain

10 The Shattered Observatory

11 The Vault Below

12 The Manor Crypts


1 Angel’s Tears

2 The Golemist’s Grimoire

3 The Hand of Glory

4 The Rune of Blight

5 Ruin’s Edge

6 The Blade of Kasmorde

7 The Bloodseeker

8 The Electric Spider

9 Satan’s Heart

10 The Desecrated Crucifix

11 The Rusted Behemoth

12 The Eye of Shub-Niggurath

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