Thursday, June 29, 2023

d20 shitty little guys



1 A cult comprised of three members, each squabbling over their new scripture

2 Highwaymen arguing over the roles they’re playing in this con

3 An amateur Witchfinder’s Brigade just waiting for someone to beat the tar out of

4 An herbalist who just can’t find the sprout they’re looking for

5 A doctor overseeing a slapdash leech removal that isn’t going so hot

6 A half-hearted exorcism in progress

7 A vagrant magician whose only trick is to disappear coins without returning them

8 Some teenagers failing to be nonchalant about asking where they can find the Undermarket

9 Conquest re-enactors in need of some better weapons than this shitty wood and foam

10 A pith-helmeted amateur explorer asking directions to the nearest Untamed Wilderness or Lawless Frontier


11 A poser jongleur, with no clue what they’re doing, trying to teach someone how to juggle

12 An overworked crier who’s awful at getting people to take their pamphlets

13 A “renowned alchemist” who doesn’t know how the placebo effect works and thinks they’re just that good

14 A gaggle of enthusiasts bickering over who has the best hat

15 A stodgy old diet-racist with food poisoning from ethnic food

16 Amateur stargazers wondering why their telescope isn’t working

17 Children getting in a fight over a game of kick-around-a-raccoon-carcass

19 Out-of-tune buskers playing a parody of a folk song about having sex with a goat

19 A kid looking for help they desperately need in a game of hide and seek

20 A team of engineers who are just a few parts shy of getting this spaceship off the ground

Here are the principles, not rules, that guided me.

  • These NPCs should be doing something upon approach, or better yet, invite approach.
  • They should all be Extremely On Their Bullshit.
  • They should all be incompetent enough to be interesting.
  • They should abide by and reinforce the ever-developing Pb anticanon.

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.


  1. These are some of the shittiest, littlest guys. "A half-hearted exorcism": that's some top quality stuff.

    1. only the shittiest and littlest for you, Chris M-S


Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...