Saturday, August 26, 2023


 Here are some new rules, built off of RBSDnD, for an upcoming game I'm running in a more traditional fantasy style than Pb. Take it, for now, plus these reference images I've been collecting and annotating. Hopefully more to show soon- ideally a map or something?

The taigas and tundras of Vaneland and outer Sordheim, in their ice-hearted beauty.

    One of the spider-boats used to cross the ice field between outer Sordheim and the Durnish Lands.

The prophet X pierces the veil for the first time and glimpses the Nethersphere in all its perverse grandeur.

A Senior Lecturer in Exorcism and Binding Studies teaching pupils at Mordent Academy by wrestling with a Daimon.

The Society of the Angled Circle invoking a Daimon in utmost secrecy.

Panem et circensis for the Vanish aristocracy.

A wedding between Lesser Houses.
(Incidentally, my current favorite painting in the Yale art gallery, and potentially anywhere.)

A troupe of Revelers, eternally restless in their worship.

Music nurtures the soul- a profane truth the pontificate of the Outer Orthodoxy cannot ameliorate.

The ramshackle altar of a Reveler conclave.

Sue, that'll work for now. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

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Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...