Sunday, July 4, 2021



Say less motherfucker

Start with a watering can, a pair of sharpened hedge shears, and a densely annotated, near-indecipherable map of your dungeon.

A My Very Own Hidey-Hole. You own a 2d6-room dungeon. Find or draw a map, choose and flesh out two BOONS, and give each room a name of up to three words. The DM then keys the dungeon for you; you have access to the key. All inhabitants put in the dungeon as part of a BOON start as friendly to you, the rest start as utterly indifferent. Your dungeon gains one extra BOON for each Template you gain- you choose the BOON, your DM chooses how it manifests. If a dungeon of yours is successfully raided and looted, you lose all control over it.

B Familiar Faces. All the occupants of your dungeon, animate and inanimate alike, are fiercely loyal, and will do anything you ask, so long as it doesn’t involve leaving the dungeon. In addition, every dungeon you and/or your compatriots clear (that is to say, indeterminately drive out the dominant inhabitant) grants you a trophy that functions as a BOON.

C You CAN Take It With You. You can bring any occupant of your dungeon, inanimate or animate alike, out of the dungeon with you in your adventures. In addition, your dungeon gains d6 rooms.

D And Jesus Wept, For There Were No More Worlds To Conquer. Every dungeon you and/or your compatriots clear becomes one of your dungeons. You have access to its key and inhabitants as standard.

DUNGEON BOONS (can take more than once):

  • LUDICROUS WEALTH. A king’s ransom of some sort. Perhaps a pile of coins, perhaps a lost symphony from a well-known bard, perhaps a necklace made from rubies stolen from a tribal grave, but it’s definitely ripe for plunder.

  • MAGIC/CURSED WEAPON. The weirder, more storied, and more unique, the better.

  • MAGIC/CURSED WONDROUS ITEM. This is your chance to raid your magic item list of choice and pick out the coolest entries.

  • INTELLIGENT PROTECTORATE. While it is incredibly powerful, it is a free agent, and has its own goals. No matter what your abilities may say, you must personally placate this creature in order to keep its service as a guardian, and its needs and aims may diverge or oppose your own.

  • DEVIOUS TRAP. This isn’t your standard punji pit; it’s a multi-stange, terribly dangerous death machine. If it could be used to try and kill James Bond, you’re on the right track.

  • MINION MOB. You personally lead 2d20 highly impressionable, cunning sycophants. They aren’t the brightest bulbs in the bunch, or the strongest, but they make up for it with their impishness and technical prowess.

Anything less significant than these can be included freely at DM discretion. In addition, the DM can make up more BOONS or custom BOONS as they see fit.

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.


  1. This is mega-fantastic. Reminds me of the dwarf from Dungeon Meshi, who farms veggies off the backs of earth elementals.

    1. Resounding praise, coming from the author of Spiceomancy- you're one of my favorites!


Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...