Monday, July 5, 2021

Three Paladins

 Same deal as my Rangers post- three dimensions of the Paladin archetype, pulled apart and made into their own GLoG Class. There are also some dragons in this one.


Congresspeople and lawyers wish to believe that they rule the letter of the law with an iron fist, but there is a more primal power that supersedes their authority. A fervent sect of involuntary ascetics preach the word of the Unspoken Law, a personification of the social contract between the governing body and the people. You are one of these penniless servitors who knows the power of the Unspoken Law, and you will defend its sanctity, or forge its alteration, with rhetoric or steel, whatever must be done. Start with a beggar’s bowl, a dog-eared copy of the local bylaws and national constitution, and an empty belly.

A Pauper Prophet. Though you must abide by the spirit of all laws great and small (no hypocrites may sit upon the fragile throne of law enforcement), you have ADVANTAGE on attack rolls against those who defy its letter. In addition, you never know when you’ll have enough coins to resupply, so you make every scrap count, and as such, your equipment cannot FUMBLE.

B Judicial Savant. Your encyclopedic knowledge of law permits you to spout legal gibberish. Everyone believes your opinion on the interpretation of the law unless they are themselves specialists, even if you are doing something as extreme as fabricating a law.

C Pitchforks and Torches. You can whip up a mob against a perceived injustice with an hour of rallying and campaigning, though you have little say over what it does after it is formed.

D I Am Justice. So long as you make a public example of some poor guilty soul to prove its validity, your word becomes part of the Unspoken Law.

(Alternatively, just play the Justiciar, an objectively superior class.)


A long time ago, or so you wish to believe, you broke a very important promise. It shattered your mind, your heart, and your life. Since then, you’ve had time to meditate, atone, and seek repentance for your mistakes. You have sworn to your word utterly, and guide others to lift their words to the same weight. Start with weighty remorse cloaked in silence, a gold-tipped quill with endless violet ink, two unadorned wedding bands for spontaneous officiation, and two eye talismans whose irises show glimpses out of each other.

A So Mote It Be. Whenever you make a promise, it will be seen through to the letter, somehow.

B I Bear You On My Back. Whenever you deliberately serve as witness to a promise made, it will be seen through to the letter, somehow. For some reason, you start pulling a lot of wedding gigs?

C Mark For Unfulfillment. When you hear a promise made (save your own, for your word is forever sacrosanct), you can make it so that it cannot be fulfilled.

D I Atone. Replace all above instances of “to the letter” with “as you intend it to”. In addition, you have been forgiven for breaking your original promise, no matter how grievous.


You’re among the most feared mortals on the planet, because you’ve done the near impossible. You’ve eaten the heart of a dragon, thus absorbing a fraction of your power. It will sit in your stomach for a long, long time, and as you digest it, more and more of the wyrm’s blood will flow in your veins and transform you into ever more draconic forms, a final spiteful show of megalovania post-mortem. One thing’s for sure; the Lionhearts ain’t got nothing on you. Start with a well-seasoned dragon heart in your belly, a set of shining scale mail, and some cursed chattel from a dragon hoard.

A Eat Your Heart Out. It takes a really scary kind of person to eat a dragon heart, something that changes you on a primal level. No one fucks with you. In addition, depending on what type of dragon’s heart you ate, you gain a special benefit that improves with your every Template.

Wind Dragon: You grow multichromatic feathers around your joints, and can passably mimic sounds you’ve heard before. Every Template, choose a type of animal that you can command.

Lunar Dragon: Your skin slowly shifts colors in the sunlight all across the chromatic spectrum. Every Template, gain an extra supernatural sense, such as heat vision or smelling emotion.

Crystal Dragon: Your flesh sprouts crystal growths that bleed maggots when broken. Every Template, choose one source of harm to be made immune to, such as polearms or oil-based flames.

Bone Dragon: Your flesh begins to rot early, and your shoulder blades elongate into angular, inhuman patterns. Every Template, you gain an extra appendage/organ of your choice, which doesn’t necessarily have to be human.

B Serpent’s Breath. You can freely let out the breath of your dragon type. If it would deal damage, that damage caps at WOUNDS equal to your Templates.

Wind Dragon: Flesh-melting cones of rippling heat.

Lunar Dragon: Lead paint of only the most vibrant colors.

Crystal Dragon: Shards of slimy, disease-carrying crystal needles.

Bone Dragon: Swirling green gas that makes the bones brittle and the flesh loose.

C My Body Becomes A Temple. Your flesh and psyche have become more corporeal, more immutable, as a result of your draconic exposure. Your mind and spirit cannot be altered or scried, and you cannot be moved or transmogrified against your will. You no longer need to eat or drink, and have ADVANTAGE on rolls to resist disease and poison.

D Dragon’s Flesh. You can take the form of the dragon whose heart you ate for a TURN each day. At this point, I don’t think I need to spell out how big of a fucking deal that is, dragons are scary shit.

Wind Dragon: Like a swirling mass of feathers and eyes forming great loops in the sky. Their teas are legendarily mediocre, unlike their infamous lens artifice and lasercraft. They live in hollowed-out clouds, following their wanderlust with childlike glee and reckless disregard for the roadside snacks (lesser life) encountered on their travels.

Lunar Dragon: Like a serpent-bound rainbow with a Cheshire grin. It is capable of weaponizing and hurling its eggs, amoeba-like chunks of hard light clumped under its tail, like miniature stars burning up on impact. Bred by the Moon Monarchy for color, speed, and eloquence, it typically has the intelligence and temperament of a golden shepherd.

Crystal Dragon: Like a mammoth maggot made of glowing crystals. Spiny protrusions along the sides function like motile cilia, allowing it to use its telekinesis to silently swim through the air. It has a voracious hunger for dead flesh and cognitive dissonance, and speaks in the mind of beholders with a sickly whisper.

Bone Dragon: Like an osteoperotic mass cobbled from incongruous skeletons forced together and bounded with rotten flesh. Can only fly when its constant arthritic pain is either agonizingly endured or momentarily alleviated. Filled with paranoia and the obsessive biophilic desire to mimic and become closer to a living organism, inducing activists like the artificial rising and falling of the chest cavity to imply breathing.

As a parting note, have a scrap of a poem written and discarded on the Fourth. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

We stab at the frothing beast with rusted spears

It languishes, wounded, within its iron and smoke cage

Cry and drink, friend, and wish it all come tumbling down

For tonight, the sky shall rip itself apart


  1. Oh man, those dragons are just... Insane? Amazing? I feel like "Dragon" is just a term that the peasants use as shorthand for "Oh Shit. We're Fucked."

    1. Thanks so much! My goal for each one (save the bone dragon) was to make something the PCs would not call a dragon without an NPC priming them- it would just be "that fucking MAGGOT bullshit" or what have you. I'm glad it resonated! Though your theory about draconic taxonomy is, unfortunately, incorrect; there is a reason that these creatures, and no others, are called dragons. What that reason is can be deduced by the discerning and creative long-time reader!


A Pb dungeon + notes from a pop science book on the periodic table

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