Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 This hack, and this post, may contain typos, but this is not among them: I set out to do five things with this hack.

1 I wanted the hack to revolve around a sort of numerical trick a la 4DJ. I all but tell you what that is; I hope it's intelligible.

2 I wanted to also introduce a lot of asymmetry in what the players know about the rules versus what the DM knows. For example, the “STATS” section has no typos.

3 I wanted to build in elements that would encourage players to do things that I as a DM found interesting, like starting rivalries, getting married, hosting parties, and rap battles.

4 I wanted to make a game that was “about” something, that orbited around key themes. Some of those themes include the life cycle of empires and the importance of stories and poetry in a young world.

I have the setting’s Four Truths, some equipment packages for starting characters, and a dungeon in the works, but I wanted to Get Something Done so I could remind myself that I could. Let me know what you think of the hack, thanks for reading and happy gaming.

These words are my hack bibliography

1 comment:

  1. The "are" is supposed to represent Rebsamen's Beowulf but surprise surprise I couldn't find a reputable illegal PDF of that version


Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...