Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Bet you're surprised this hack is coming back. Believe me, I am too. But I've had this revision in the works for a number of months, half-finished, and recently I've felt the urge to just get something done, so here is the dividend of that.


  • 5 brand new Region Primers! Replacing the stuffy old gazetteer with a panoply of new character matrices and an overhauled looked at the Autumn Kingdoms.
  • A guide to the structure and setup of MARROW campaigns- best practice tips from yours truly to get the most out of MARROW.
  • Some minor revisions across the rest of MARROW (patch notes, rephrasings, and minor rule adjustments will likely continue to happen over the next couple of weeks).


  • Going through each character matrix and Ability table to make sure all of the abilities are interesting, fun, effectively phrased, and fit with the most current rules still. This is the biggest task left ahead of me.
  • Sample LOOT table(s). Should be pretty easy to steal from resources I already own.
  • High Arcana and suggestions as to what the Autumn Kingdom's cosmology looks like.
  • Tighten up the specifics of the currently-nebulous drug rules and write up some common drugs. Same for maladies/diseases.
  • I want to do a playtest of a full MARROW campaign. I've done a number of low-level games, and I've ran a high-level game that was converted from 5e, but I've never bridged that gap at the table, and I want to put the rules and the campaign advice to the practical test.
  • In that playtest, I want to put the dungeon procedures to the test. I've learned some interesting new solutions to managing time in dungeons since I wrote this, and I want to see how I can contribute those to MARROW.


I'm getting very close to a definitive edition. At that point, I may invest in getting some art (or getting back to illustrating it myself as I once planned to do) and layout and publishing it as PoD somewhere as a "Scrimshaw Edition", if I have the will to. For now, though, I simply intend to enjoy re-discovering this system with new eyes and making it even sharper and better (though it's already looking a lot more fixable than it felt a few months ago).

Here's a link to MARROW 0.9. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

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Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...