Sunday, October 4, 2020

GLoGtober day 4: Swirling Rainbow Vortices

 On the fourth day of GLoGtober, the bloggers gave to me…

           Four pools of color

           Three gretchling wretches

           Two drops of crimson

           And some gun rules for you and me 

        Around grubby tables in seedy torchlit taverns, tales are shared of ancient ruins to be plundered. Many times, the tales turn to long-forgotten temples or towers. Wary adventurers should be cautious of tales of shimmering portals in these ancient spaces, lest they stumble upon the Übellings instead of a true gate.

The Übellings are an ancient, alien race of imitator predators, appearing to be a shimmering, crackling mass of swirling colors. The most common way they manifest on Prima Materia is to apparate at the end of a failed ritual to open a planar portal, their presence making it appear like a success. They like to cloak themselves in an archway or doorway, making it look like a gate to another world.

An Übelling makes a great “twist” monster- you thought you would be able to go into the Hellgate Forge to deliver the key back to Asmodeus, but when you get to the portal, it’s actually an Übelling, waiting to strike. Or perhaps the PCs know the portal the town shaman opened isn‘t as it seems, and they have to stop the township from travelling through it.


1 Instantly reduces you to dust, as disintegration

2 Teleports you into the Übelling hives

3 Rearranges your cells and reduces you to a bloody pulp

4 Gives you d4 TRAUMAS, and roll again

5 Teleports you to a random place in the world

6 Enters your body and possesses you

7 Spits you out onto the Astral Plane with a random SCAR

8 Delivers you somewhere random in the multiverse

9 You are taken out of the cosmos, heaven help us all

10 Delivers you safely to the intended destination, but with a planar parasite embedded in your skull. What does the parasite do?

1 Makes you want to return to Prima Materia and then die

2 Spreads to all you touch, seeks to make a hive mind

3 Slowly liquifies your brain inside your skull and drinks it

4 Causes any creature you touch excruciating pain

5 Allows you to speak any language, but in a very hostile way

6 This is how the Übellings reproduce!


1 Hyperintelligent, extracosmic predators

2 Byproducts of a planar wizard‘s experiments

3 Portals made sentient

4 The fingernails of the gods

5 Wrinkles in the cosmic fabric

6 Proto-portals powered by belief

7 Fetuses of Astral Dreadnoughts

8 The bulbs of a larger anglerfish… the mind shudders to think what greater horror they're connected to

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