Monday, October 12, 2020

GLoGtober Day 11: Armor


Arcane Armorer SKILLS: Armorcraft

A-D Each level, you learn 2 Infusions. You can choose the same one twice. Spend a TURN augmenting a point of Armor to work in an Infusion or take it away.


Absorption. When you take WOUNDS while wearing the Armor, you can choose to destroy the Armor to instead heal an equivalent amount.

All-Terrain. While wearing the Armor, your movement speed cannot be reduced, and you can climb any horizontal surface at half your walking speed.

    Augmentation. While wearing the Armor, you get  +1 to one stat of your choice.

Camouflage. While wearing the Armor, you have ADVANTAGE on rolls to blend in.

Cargo. Your Armor holds 3 STR slots.

Charge. Choose an element upon Infusion. When you take WOUNDS from that source, instead heal the equivalent amount.

Embellishments. While wearing the Armor, you are seen as a member of high society.

Goggles. While wearing the Armor, you can sense something abnormal of your choice, like heat or sadness.

Grow. While wearing the Armor, make an INT roll. If you succeed, you become the size of an elephant. Make another INT roll to return to standard size.

Haste. While wearing the Armor, your walking speed is doubled.

    Hydraulics. While wearing the Armor, your jump height is 20 feet.

Magic Dampener. While wearing the Armor, you have ADVANTAGE on rolls to resist magic and magical effects.

Plating. This Armor now grants 2 points of DEFENSE instead of 1.

Reconfigure. You can choose at any point to permanently convert the Armor to another item of your choice made of the same material.

Shrink. While wearing the Armor, make an INT roll. If you succeed, you become the size of a toy soldier. Make another INT roll to return to standard size.

Snare Protocol. While wearing the Armor, you have ADVANTAGE on rolls to grapple, pin, or restrain creatures, and can attempt to restrain a creature of any size.

Spatial Transfer. While wearing the Armor, make an INT roll to swap places with an ally you can see. On a failure, who knows where you’ll end up.

Spikes. While wearing the Armor, deal a WOUND to anyone who hits you with a melee attack.

Wide. Any allies CLOSE to you get a bonus to their DEFENSE equal to your Armor.

LOOT: Cataphract of the Spellstitcher

The Rhyme of the Gen-y-dar Clan, an Ancient and Respected Ballad speaking of Our Hero-Progenitor Gen-Y-Dar's Creation of Armor:
    A million tons of marble and stone
        Make the steeples of our church
    We worship the heart of the mountain below
       The caverns of old our chosen perch
    But the black rock called forth horrors unknown
        Before we knew red-hot iron and forge
    It slaughtered our legions on terrible claws
        And on the rotting dead did engorge

    Gen-Y-Dar stood, shudd'ring and scared,
        Looking upon the hallowed carnage
    The stone around, blood-slicked and claret,
        The flint-tipped spears cracked and tarnished
    Gen-Y-Dar saw the flint tip shattered
        As if was sundered next stone-lined flesh
    Orod whispered in his ear, then
        "Make Dwarvish skin like stone, with mesh"

    Gen-Y-Dar then took to hammer,
        Chiseling with iron stakes
    Hewing together with gut-twined cord
        He unified the Dwarvish Plates
    A legion clad in mountain's skin
        Stormed deep into the mountain's veins
    They fought the beast, with blades red-hot
        Ceaseless till t'was but remains

    And on that day, the stone-clad legion
        Traded sanguine drop for drop
    With Gen-Y-Dar's fine-crafted armor
        The beast below the mountain's reign would fin'lly stop

Dwarvish Ur-Plates, or, Gen-Y-Dar's Stoneskin
    Slabs of marble tied with gut-strings, this incredibly heavy set of plate is only capable of being used by those at the pinnacle of strength. Designed, as the ballad goes, by Gen-Y-Dar in a plot of dwarvish revenge before they had mastery over metal, this first armor was a retort to a beast that emerged from the dwarvish mountain home and killed scores of dwarves.
    This armor practically immobilizes you (5 feet) unless you are part of a war band led by a dwarf, in which case you can move at half speed. However, you have ADVANTAGE on attacks when cooperating with an ally, and ADVANTAGE when fighting something bigger than yourself. If both are true, your attacks automatically hit and deal maximum damage.
    In addition, you are nearly impervious. This plate gives you a truly ludicrous defense bonus, at the expense of filling all your remaining slots. If you are attacked by an enemy to the dwarvish people, you can choose to have the plate absorb all the damage. It can do this 2d8 times (the DM rolls in secret). If you try to do it past that, the plate shatters, and the attack hits, dealing double damage and leaving a scar.

This class and item fit will with the adventure I published a couple days ago. The Ur-Plates would work well as something the opposing armies are seeking to acquire, or destroy. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

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