Tuesday, October 6, 2020

GLoGtober day 5: maps, and GLoGtober day 6: food

VILLAGE HARVEST FEAST, a quirky horror adventure set during not-Thanksgiving.

    A map and a food-themed adventure for you to enjoy. I could make this be my day 7 prompt too, but I'm not a quitter, so you'll get another full adventure tomorrow. Maybe.

    Long ago, the Village had a name. It was filled with people who had wonderful, beautiful, simple lives. But darkness fell when the fiends assaulted the Village. In the first Feast, all the living residents of the Village were killed and replaced with terrifying fiends, the hamlet itself being pulled into Hell and its name expunged from the earth. All the residents save one, the blackhearted Cain Abimelech, master of the Feast.

    The Village is an isolated chunk of Hell that occasionally draws in visitors. When that happens, Cain and the residents begin planning on another Feast, to turn the new arrivals into fiendish villagers. Can the PCs stop this vicious cycle and prevent the next Feast before an innocent woman dies and they fall to darkness?


  • Cain Abimelech (KAYN uh-BIM-ul-ek)

    • ...or, as he prefers to be addressed, Mister/Master Abimelech

    • The only survivor of the first Feast

    • Master of the Manor, and of the ritual to come during the Feast

  • Aneska Heimlich (uh-NESK-uh HEIM-leesh)

    • Thinks she’s marrying Cain

    • Has been drugged up by laced lemonade for so long she’s near senile…

      • ...but she does know that the villagers just do the same things over and over again day in and day out

      • She also knows that Cain often disappears for hours at a time

      • She spends her time doing needlepoint, spelling out “help me” and then undoing it if she’s ever made aware of what she’s writing

    • She doesn’t know she’s the sacrifice at the Feast

  • Ipos Ballingsfoot (YEE-pos BALL-ings-foot)

    • The mute, one-handed Smallfolk butler to the Abimelech Manor

      • Disabled due to Cain removing his organs for disobedience during prior Feasts

    • A survivor of a previous Feast gone awry

    • Will try to help the PCs escape, but is terrified of Cain, and will always prioritize himself over them

      • Will he make a heroic sacrifice in the end?

  • The Villagers

    • Each of them are fiends in disguise

      • Are the fiends…

        • cloaked by illusions?

        • A skin suit?

        • Are they just brain tadpole parasites?

      • It’s up to you!

    • The villagers always do the same things over and over again if not disturbed

    • There are a total of 12 villagers, not including Cain, Aneska, and Billingsfoot

      • It takes 3 villagers to impersonate the Beast

      • There are a total of 4 more villagers in the basement during the Feast

        • That means there are anywhere between 5 and 8 in the village menacingly circling outside during the Feast


  • Our Village

    • It is never given a name beyond this, the name was expunged when the village became a part of Hell

      • Sometimes referred to as “Our [adjective] Village” or “Our Home”

    • Always stuck in mid-fall, harvest season

    • Surrounded by an endless expanse of featureless fall forest

      • The residents speak of the Great Beast of the Woods to discourage escape

        • The Beast is actually a hoax perpetrated by the citizens of the Village, supported by elaborate costumes and effects

    • Stocked like as standard hamlet/thorp you can get

      • Literally nothing anywhere out of the ordinary…

    • The village always loops back on itself- travel far enough away, you’ll end back at its border

      • Call for a navigation roll or something so the PCs don’t get terribly suspicious

      • The only conditions under which you can escape the Village are…

        • ...if the Feast is occuring

        • ...if the shrine below Abimelech Manor is destroyed

  • The Abimelech Manor

    • The “idyllic” home of Cain Abimelech, and the site of the Feast

    • The central location of the adventure


  • I: Front Porch

    • A large set of double doors and open windows makes the Manor look idyllic

      • The doors lead in to the Entry Hall (II)

  • II: Entry Hall

    • This open space has coat hooks, warmly flickering lamps, and a large rug with a dragon woven in the old style

    • Typically, Ipos is standing, waiting silently to take the new arrival’s coats

    • Open doorways lead to the Parlor (III) and the Courtroom (VII)

  • III: Parlor

    • Plush leather couches line the walls in this spacious, yet cozy room

    • A fireplace sits cold in the corner

      • Dusk or later, the fire is lit, softly crackling away

    • A leering bear head is mounted above the mantle

      • The eyes are valuable rubies

      • At Cain’s command, or during the Transmogrification, the bear can talk and breathe fire

    • A door to the Study (IV) stands perpendicular to the passage to the Entry Hall (II)

  • IV: Study

    • Bookshelves line the walls

      • The books are across a variety of subjects, but many are of a debaucherous or sinful bent

        • If asked, Cain will say that one must know the enemy to defeat it

          • It’s actually because he’s a devil worshipping no good meanieface jerkhead

    • A desk with a plush red leather chair dominates the center of the room

      • The desk is coated in papers on ledgers and plans for new town buildings

        • If the top layer of papers are pushed aside, below lie notes on infernal rituals and magics

    • Doors lead off to the Parlor (III) and the Kitchen (V)

  • V: Kitchen

    • A large wooden counter and kitchen island are coated with half-prepared meals

    • Cupboards against the far wall are filled with spices and cookbooks

      • A successful roll notices that none of them are used

    • A large pantry stands against the wall

      • Inside are secret, stone-hewed stairs down to the secret underground Antechamber (XII)

    • If it’s before dusk, Ipos is frantically preparing meals

    • Doors lead out to the Study (IV) and the Dining Hall (VI)

  • VI: Dining Hall

    • 8 chairs surround this table, slowly being laden with food

    • This will be the site of the Feast...

    • Doors lead into the Kitchen (V) and Aneska’s Room (VIII)

  • VII: Courtroom

    • This room has 9 wooden chairs against the walls and in rows facing a judge’s stand

    • This is where all the town meets to convene on issues

      • Given that this never happens, a successful roll can surmise that this room hasn’t been disturbed in years…

        • ...save a secret panel below the judge’s podium, containing a valuable onyx

          • Why is it there, you ask?

            • Absolutely no reason


                • You

  • VIII: Aneska’s Room

    • A large bed sits next to a nightstand with a pitcher of lemonade on it

      • The lemonade is drugged, and weeks of exposure has left Aneska placid and practically amnesiatic

    • The far wall contains a bookshelf filled with books of town history

      • Though being varied lengths, they all have the same content in them, and the content is self-contradictory and impossible

      • Aneska claims to have never read these books

    • Aneska placidly sits at the edge of the bed doing needlepoint and looking out her window here up until the Feast

    • Doors branch off to the Dining Hall (V), Courtroom (XI), and Gallery (IX)

  • IX: Gallery

    • Portraits line the walls in an ornate and old-fashioned style

      • The names on the portraits are of powerful and influential demons

      • The eyes follow PCs as they move

        • This is an optical illusion

    • The center of the room is dominated by a marble sculpture

      • An androgynous figure stands, armes outstretched, surrounded by piles of food and cournucopias

        • Cain calls it “the Bearer of the Catalyst”, but the plaque on the base slab reads “the Giver”

      • The figure can animate at Cain’s command, becoming a construct

    • The room has a door leading to Aneska’s Room (VIII) and the Dining Hall (VI)

  • X: Sun Porch

    • Large windows expose the backyard

    • Large animal hides line the walls, being dried to create clothing or rugs

    • A dog cage sits in the corner, occupied by a large black hound

      • A collar reads “Cerberus”

      • This is a Hellhound under Cain’s command

        • it can easily bend the bars of its cage back to escape if need be

    • A door to the backyard leads to the Outhouse (XIV), while the door back to the house is in the Gallery (IX)

  • XI: Cells

    • Rusted iron bars separate three small cells from a central corridor

      • Cell 1: A scared Smallfolk woman huddles near the back, refusing to trust the PCs

        • Her name is Tilldown Ballingsfoot

          • She is Ipos’s wife, but she claims he betrayed her and left her to rot here

            • Is it true?

          • She is the intended sacrifice for the next Feast

      • Cell 2: The cell is piled high with garbage and scraps

        • Most of the pile is filled with random shoddy equipment looted off of past victims

          • In the pile are two random pieces of treasure

        • Against the far wall is a slightly discolored brick

          • This brick is loose

          • Behind the brick is 30 coins and a small sapphire worth 50 coins, all stolen from previous victims

      • Cell 3: A corpse sits rotting against the far wall

        • On the wall is scratched a word: “Secretum”

          • This is the key to the fore field in the Altar (XIII)

    • The corridor leads back into the Antechamber (XII)

  • XII: Antechamber

    • This central chamber contains crates of bulk foodstuffs pushed against a far wall

    • At any given point, 2 villagers are lounging, discussing the upcoming Feast

      • They will attack on sight if not immediately placated with an incredibly well-crafted deception

    • Stone stairs lead up to the secret pantry in the Kitchen (V), while stone passages lead to the Cells (XI), the Altar (XIII), and the Outhouse and the Otyugh (XIV)

  • XIII: The Altar

    • In this room is a large, glowing pentagram written in blood and charcoal

      • It is protected by a force field, only undone by saying “Secretum”

      • This is the node that keeps the village trapped in Hell lies below Abimelech Manor

        • If it were to be destroyed…

          • ...would the fiends vanish back, or stay in our world?

          • ...would the Village remain intact?

          • ....would Cain, Aneska, or Ipos survive?

        • Up to you!

    • An opening leads back out to the Antechamber (XII)

  • XIV: Outhouse and Otyugh

    • In the backyard sits a squat, hideous outhouse

    • In the chamber below the outhouse is a mound of garbage, offal, rotting food matter and sloughed-off flesh

      • Combing through can find a random piece of rotting, rusting equipment, 2d10 coins, and a random piece of Strange Loot (TM)

    • An otyugh inhabits the offal

      • If someone sits on the outhouse, a tentacle comes up and attempts to pull them into the chamber

    • The otyugh’s chamber leads back to the Antechamber (XII)


  • The PCs accidentally wander in just before noon, find themselves on the outskirts of the Village

  • Cain greets them, saying they haven’t had anyone new in a while, and invites them to the Feast later that evening

    • He tells them that they can show up whenever they so please, his doors are always open

  • He then leaves and begins to head back to the Manor

    • He first stops to tell a villager about the new arrivals, with instruction to “tell the others there’ll be a Feast tonight”

    • Then he arrives back and tells Ipos to begin preparing the actual meal

      • He will keep doing this until the PCs arrive, whereupon he will follow them around instead until instructed otherwise

    • He will check in on Aneska and tell her that there’ll be a Feast that night

    • Then he goes into the basement to prepare the ritual components

    • Upon dinnertime, if the PCs aren’t present, he will seek them out an hour before the Feast, inviting them to the Manor

      • He will get them to the dinner table by hook or by crook

    • He will spend the hour leading up to the feast circulating and talking to Aneska

  • Townsfolk mechanically circulate, doing the same tasks over and over again

    • They stop their mechanical repetition if…

      • … they assist with feast prep

      • … they impersonate the Great Beast

      • … they’re being disturbed from their standard tasks

      • … anything else sufficiently disruptive occurs


  • The table is 8 seats large, laden with succulent and beautiful local foods

    • During the Feast, Cain and Aneska occupy one seat each

    • Every chair not taken by a PC or the hosts is taken by a villager

      • Ipos stands aside to serve food and eventually lock doors

  • The Feast is an intricate, multi-stage ritual

    • It begins with the Benediction

      • “We give our thanks for your gifts, your shelter, our beating hearts and lucid eyes. Under your guidance, we grow, and under your gaze, we prosper. Grant us this harvest, as we drink your blood and feast on your bones. So mote it be.”

      • The attendees of the Feast look to the PCs to repeat “so mote it be” back, and will gently pressure them to do so

        • Every PC who does has a disadvantage/penalty to later rolls to resist the Feast’s corruption

      • The sky begins to roll into a dark grey

    • Then the Consumption

      • The guests begin to eat the food, as if they were ravenously hungry

      • The food tastes delicious, but a roll can detect that it’s somehow wrong

        • The delicious taste of the food is some sort of an illusion

      • Rain and thunder begin to echo against the walls

    • Then the Vitiation

      • Halfway through the feast, as the villagers being digging in with their hands and letting the food smear their faces, Cain stands up and says “it is time”

      • Ipos locks the two doors that lead out

        • He looks melancholy and afraid

      • Cain grabs Aneska and the turkey knife and begins to slit Aneska’s throat

        • If not stopped, he will rend her throat nearly in half and throw her body on the table

      • Outside, a torrential rain of blood hurtles down

    • Finally, the Transmogrification

      • The villagers will bite into Aneska’s body and begin to feast

        • The PCs must make a roll to avoid joining them

          • Any PC that fails will also feel compelled to dig in

          • If not forcibly stopped, within a matter of rounds, they will be transformed into an infernal villager

      • The food’s illusion reveals itself- the entire table is coated in rotting meat and mouldering vegetables, practically inedible trash

      • If the PCs try to flee…

        • d6 ways the Village tries to stop escape:

1 A nearby lamp ignites with a blast of flame

2 The walls warp to move exits away

3 A villager leaps from the shadows

4 The blood rain stings like acid

5 A portrait escapes its frame 6 A bloody, gory rift in the earth below opens

  • Make escape difficult! Cain and the Village have many tricks up their sleeves

    • Like the Giver in the Gallery (IX)

    • And Cerberus in the Sun Room (X)


  • Read through this adventure, but write down notes and summaries in your own terms with your own twists

    • This is an adventure with too many moving parts to read straight from the post

  • A recommended angle is to make the players think that vanquishing the Great Beast is the main quest

    • Cain introduces the Village’s plight, saying the players can stay over and partake in the Feast if they don’t vanquish it

      • If the PCs win the fight and realize it was just villagers (or even if they realize the villagers are puppets for fiends), they get a sense of dread about the upcoming Feast

      • If they fail, they go into the Feast totally blind to the horrors to come

  • This adventure is about peeling back the false pretenses of charm and benevolence to reveal the ugliness underneath, play that up

    • The wallpaper in the Abimelech Manor is peeling, revealing rotten and termite-ridden wood below

    • The shopkeep snarls and threatens the PCs if they refuse to buy their wares

    • The fiends remain astonishingly polite and accommodating even if they’re found out

  • I tried my best to make sure the map had all the necessary information, so if you print the map and reference the NPCs and Timeline, you can get by with improvisation

  • If the players google the names of the NPCs, they’ll have a lot of valuable information!

Secret bonus map for you to enjoy:


Condition rules for Pb

  AILMENTS. An AILMENT you contract takes a SLOT. Every UNDERTAKING and day spent TRAVELING, roll MIGHT for each AILMENT you’ve contracted. ...